Friday, December 22, 2006


Sure... I'll admit that maybe the discussions of facades are way over- analyzed in those counseling- type circles or by the deep, arty college type. You know, sitting around some pub in Philadelphia drinking a pint of Guiness or the minute's hot new red wine and waxing eloquent on the salvation of the world and being true to oneself. Yawn...

But... I'll also admit, that particulalrly in the United States today... hmmm, more so in the South... specifically in those southern bastians of evengelical moral certitude, that hiding behind a facade, a mask, is quite the norm. It's almost the only way one can survive internally in such a one dimensional, black & white; good vs. evil climate.

What does any of this have to do with literature? (Probably not as much as it did when it was a thought in my head.) I was re-reading some of my favorite quotes from Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais. Moshe unpacked the principals of proper body alignment and movement first expounded by Alexander (the famous "Alexander Technique" studied by actors, dancers and vocalists around the world). He makes some pithy observations about the masks we wear:

The great majority of people live active and satisfactory enough lives behind their masks to enable them to stifle more or less painlessly any emptiness they may feel whenever they stop and listen to their heart.
I find that profound for many reasons, but... I'll not elaborate for fear I'll sound like that girl of long ago in the Philadelphia pubs.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I love books and words... not really in the intelligentsia sort of way... but in a more viscereal way. I thought this blog might serve as a source of dialogue for all those who enjoy reading books, who feel almost as if they are friends; for all those who are inwardly pained to see a book abused. I invite your dialogue and postings.

This week I'd like to quote and discuss fromKate Chopin's The Awakening.

Even as a child she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life --- that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions. (Chopin p. 13)

I read this and thought, "Yes!" I learned this lesson very early on as a child. To behave in a way that limits the amount of displeasuer and rejection one will receive from those important to him or her. (Am I already teaching this lesson to my own child? I see so many ways in which I am. How to stop?) But all the while, the inner life is churning away with questions, ideas and dissensions. The mask begans to grow to your face as the internal is slowly silenced, until one day, you actually come to believe that the outward facade is really you.

I think only few people can break away and be free from this public mask... only with abundant grace and mercy. And when they do, what comes seeping forth is so much more genuine and winsome than the most beautiful facade.

Any dialogue?